Of course we want to stay in business, but there are many ways, “secrets”even, that can prevent many of the symptoms that cause people to visit their acupuncturist.
Western lifestyle is generally one of over-indulgence, and pleasure-seeking which can induce many preventable health problems. There are four general principals of prevention - ERED (no we are not talking about the emergency room at the hospital) but Exercise Rest, Emotions and Diet. Having these in balance is essential to achieve a healthy mind and body.
I hope you can enjoy this light-hearted approach, and use the tools to live a healthier and happier life.
1) Get active and keep moving thought the day. Especially important if you work in a sedentary job. Find ways to stretch and move about in your breaks. Why no do some lunges on the way to the coffee machine? Go that bit further for your sandwich and get your legs and arms active!
2) Self Massage. Your TCM practitioner can give you specific exercises which may only take 1 minute to do, but make a huge difference. Try squeezing (pinching up the skin) at the point between your eyebrows, on your forehead with your thumb and first finger, this can activate clear thinking and revitalize the eyes.
3) Have an afternoon lie-down.Resting for 10 to 30 minutes a day between 1 and 3pm is extremely beneficial in promoting the regeneration of blood. You must LIE DOWN FLAT. You don't have to sleep, but don't be on your phone etc! for 10 to 30 minutes a day between 1 and 3pm is extremely beneficial in promoting the regeneration of blood.
Excess of the emotions can damage their associated organs resulting in illness.
8) Don't eat and do other things. (Easy to say, difficult to do in our society I know!) Your body will always favor mental functions over your gastro-intestinal system! When you eat and do mental activities, you are forcing your body to override it's desire to send blood to your guts to help absorb nutrients from food
9) Loose a few kilos! Extra weigh will contribute to back pain, make recovery from illness slower and means your body has to supply all the extra fat with blood vessels (puts pressure on your heart) and contributes to high blood pressure. If you are within your normal healthy weigh range Great! Go and encourage your friends. Research shows people with healthy weight friends are more likely to loose weight than those with fat friends.
10) Enjoy your life. You can't always choose what happens to you, but you can choose your attitude. A positive mental attitude is encouraged by all forms of medicine as an indicator for faster recovery and less illnesses.
Of course our practitioners love treating patients and helping you in your road to recovery. We wouldn't be in this business otherwise. So please feel free to make an appointment!