Sunday, May 2, 2010

Healing Heels

From acute injuries and sport or activity over strain, and chronic pain experienced on a daily basis, acupuncture is often sought for heel pain relief.

Heel pain can have many causes, one common one is known as Plantar Fascitis. It’s an inflammation of the band of tendon that runs from the ball to the heel of the foot (the Plantar Fascia). (see picture right)

Poor foot mechanics are often blamed for the cause of the problem. If the foot moves incorrectly, the plantar fascia is overstretched and can tear, becoming weak and inflamed. The pain is usually sharp, severe pain on the ball of the foot.
The good news is that acupuncturists treat this kind of pain all the time. We call it Qi (Chi) Stagnation or Blood Stagnation type pain. Stagnation pain is always more noticeable after lack of movement (i.e. Sleeping). Upon rising the pain is usually intense, then after walking around a little the pain gets less.
Once you get moving, the circulation increases and the pain eases. Acupuncture works to increase the circulation of blood and energy, activating your bodies own healing response to come to the local area. Pain can be eased by the release of your bodies natural pain-killers - endorphins which are often released by acupuncture.

What about the cause of the problem? Inflammation can be treated with acupuncture, simply by “speeding up” the bodies own healing response. By relaxing the local muscles, reliving swelling and getting more blood and energy flow to the injured site, acupuncture can reduce the inflammation and encourage the speedy repair of the plantar fascia.

Not all heel pain is due to Plantar Fascitis. Some heel pain can be from too many ankle injuries and poor local area circulation, or an "unknown" cause. However, Chinese medicine practitioners always make their own Chinese medicine Diagnosis. In treating foot pain, it’s not necessary to have the Western Medicine diagnosis to commence acupuncture treatment.
In my practice, I have found heel pain to be a bit more stubborn and slower to respond, however after 6-8 treatments most patients find a great relief of pain. I have found many heel pain patients experience little or no change in symptoms until the third or fourth treatment. This is not the case in treating pain in other areas where the pain relief is often instantaneous.
If you have heel pain, its worth approaching your acupuncturist with a 6-8 treatment plan in mind. Treatments can be done 2x or 1x a week. Don't leave it longer than one week in between treatments, or effectiveness is diminished. Secondly, points on the heel itself are sometimes used but they can be more sensitive than other points. The overall treatment is not meant to be painful, and you should experience a pleasantly relaxing effect.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Year - New Habits

Perhaps one of the most popular treatments of Chinese medicine is for “Quit smoking”. This treatment uses a special branch of acupuncture: “ear acupuncture”.

In Ear Acupuncture, there are over 100 points on the ear. These are used to stimulate the functions of different organs and systems. Essentially, in Quit-smoking acupuncture, we stimulate the organs involved in smoking - Lungs, Mouth & Tongue to improve the energy function of those organs.

At Metro Health, we offer Acu-Quit™ which is a 10-treatment program specifically for quitting smoking. Part of the Acu-Quit™ protocol uses Ear points for relaxation/calming, stimulating the organs associated with smoking, and digestion. Why digestion? Because as you quit, your body has to “digest” toxins…that is, eliminate them from your system. Also, as your lungs start to repair, the tiny hairs (cilia) that line the lung tubes, begin their sweeping action again which causes many people to feel more sick or cough up phlegm which they did not do as a smoker. The ear points can help the body eliminate this phlegm and aid the lungs in their functions.

How does acupuncture work for Quit-smoking?

One theory is that by stimulating the energy of the organs associated with smoking, the body is more perceptible to “toxins” entering it. This theory explains why some people report less pleasure in smoking after acupuncture treatments.

Ear Acupuncture also helps with cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Common reactions to quitting are anxiety, depression, irritability, eating more, physical shaking, feeling shaky inside, and poor memory/concentration. One point used is related to the Heart & Emotions (shenmen). This point helps calm the Shen which is used to relieve these mental-emotional symptoms.

Another normal side effect of quitting is to cough up more phlegm. This is because the tiny hairs in the lungs (cilia) are repairing. Their normal job is to move debris out of the lungs, helping you to breathe properly. Toxins in cigarettes damage the cilia, but, as you stop inhaling cigarette toxins, the cilia start to repair, so it's actually a good sign when you start to cough up more phlegm during quitting. Acupuncture can be of assistance in reducing phlegm and promoting better breathing.

At Metro Health, we offer Acu-Quit™ which is a 10-treatment program specifically for quitting smoking. Part of the Acu-Quit™ protocol uses Ear points for relaxation/calming, stimulating the organs associated with smoking, and digestion. Why digestion? Because as you quit, your body has to “digest” toxins…that is, eliminate them from your system. Also assist the lungs in their functions, as they repair. The ear points can help the body eliminate phlegm and aid the lungs in their normal functions.

Acu-Quit™ is a special, unique quitting program we run at Metro Health and medicine, combining Ear Acupuncture, Cognitive therapy, Diet advice and body acupuncture. It's cheaper than our regular consultation fees. At your first consultation, together you and your practitioner will establish a plan to help you stay quit.

The Acu-Quit™ 10-treatment program, takes one hour initially, and about half an hour per session after that. The cost is probably less than your smoking habit - $480. We recommend this program be taken over a 1-month period, appointments can be done 2 or 3x a week as needed.

It's still a New Year - there's never been a better time to Quit!

Monday, January 11, 2010

there can be only one

Growing up, the classic school holiday movie festival always included the Hilander movies...and the well known "There can be only one" still rings true, especially with the dawn of a new year upon us.

2010 - there will not be another 2010.

What will you do with your year? Perhaps get into a new line of study, go to an unlikley holiday destintion, spend more money on TV's and home entertainment, the internet, work harder, go on a diet? many things consume our time.

Since the new year I got really thinking, how can I make a difference this year? How can I make 2010 count for something more than just another year clocked up to living, existing...

I'm 31 this year. I think it might get harder because I seem to have more stuff and more accomplishments the older I get. What about you?

Just a thought to ponder. Even if it's just making a whole pile more money...there is something you can do with that money that might change the entire planet, or someone's future.

Buying a water well for a community might change their 2010 for the better

Consuming that one burger a week in 2010 might change your 2020 for the worse.

There is no excaping the consequenses of our actions...I'm off on my quest now for 2010 -change the world with me... write a comment