Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Busting Winter Blues

In winter, the lack of sunshine rays makes some people more vunerable to feelings of depression, flatness and even sadness. 


Lithium is a natural chemical that our bodies absorb through the skin which is present in rays of sunshine. Natural sunlight has the ability to wake us up with a rejuvenation or brightness to face the day. Often our work schedules are not conducive to this “waking up with the sun” routine either. 

So how can we combat the “winter blues”? In Chinese medicine we recognise life has diferent seasons. While it’s not normal to sit around and sulk in winter, or just become a big slug on the couch, we needn’t have the same expectations of our life or body in winter that we do of summer or spring. Winter is a season of STORAGE and GATHERING of energy. Not expending or “doing” as we would in expect in the warmer seasons of spring and summer. 

Foods which nourish the Yang Qi (Energy) are slow cooked meats. Nuts like walnuts and almonds can be roasted or toasted with honey to make warming and nourishing snacks. For Vegetarians, try lots of slow cooked root vegetables, more legumes which are combined with underground vegies.

For people with stagnation, you should continue to do some exercise – most importantly to keep your body moving, rather than do strenuous Gym or aerobic type exercises. Keep active in stretching and exercise which promotes light (not heavy) sweating. Winter is also good season to cultivate yoga, tai qi and qi gong practices. Your TCM practitioner can advise you on more specific foods for your pattern of disharmony or body constitution.