If you said “I feel fine”, your probably in the great majority of people. Fine is ok, it’s liveable. Often we don’t know what great or fantastic can be because we settle with fine. Not just our in health, but in lots of areas in life.
When my phone contract ended in October last year, I didn’t
get a new iPhone, cause the one I have is fine. It’s doing the job I want it
to, despite dropping it numerous times it didn’t get a crack screen, and I did
not think it was worth the expense of getting a new one. In marketing they say
“fine is the enemy”. If the thing you have already is fine then we, as
customers, settle for that. We often don’t see the need for a new one, an
upgrade or something different.
Over the years of treating hundreds of people with Chinese Medicine, I often see people come in with all kinds of health problems they describe as “fine”. In the course of the consultation you find out they have aches and pains, digestive and bowel problems, and symptoms that they did not class as a problem or think was bad enough for them to book an appointment for. “Oh I’ve always had this old shoulder pain” or “that chronic back pain (they have had for 5 years)… that’s just a 3/10, I just have to live with that”.
Just because you’ve had constipation for as long as you can remember, doesn’t make it normal!
One of the things I love about my job is seeing the changes
that Chinese Medicine can do. I love to see people the week after a treatment,
that has dramatically changed their life…when people go from fine to fantastic.
Now that doesn’t happen with every patient, but when it does, they are
literally jumping for joy.
Sometimes we live with things that are fine, and don’t even
realise that we could be fantastic.
When was the last time you discovered something and said to
yourself “why didn’t I do this earlier?” I do that in business all the time.
When you stumble upon something so fantastic, you couldn’t believe it would
change your life so much, and then you think back to how you settled with
“fine” before.
If you think your health could be better than fine why not
check out my website for my free, self help ideas, and as always, we welcome
you to make an appointment where we can work together towards your health
More about Marie, and making an appointment for Chinese Medicine can be found on the Metro Health website: www.metrohealth.com.au
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