Thursday, August 20, 2015

How Can Chinese Medicine Help Me Live A Better Life?

Chinese medicine is founded on major prevention and health promoting principals:
  • It’s the practitioners job to keep you healthy, rather than just focus on the health problem you have now
  • Chinese medicine sees more inter-connections in the body than mainstream medicine (biomedicine or western medicine). A practitioner looks for how
  • Chinese medicine follows ancient wisdom from practitioners who are tried, tested and true…there is thousand years old literature which was just as useful back then as it has been in the centuries proceeding. Practitioners today have the benefit of centuries of clinical practice to see time and time again the outworking of acupuncture and herbal medicine formulas.
  • Chinese medicine promotes lifestyle and diet changes first, then use treatment (herbs and/or acupuncture)
Famous doctor from the Tang Dynasty, Sun Si Miao said “Dietary therapy should be the first step when one treats a disease. Only when this is unsuccessful should one try medicine”
Diet therapy is actually very easy to apply and it makes a lot of sense when you understand the why behind the what. Chinese medicine is based on observing our body’s interaction with nature and the enviornment we live in, so it is lodgical.
Marie’s practice centers around optimising patients health via diet and lifestyle. Increasing health by optimising your digestion helps you to recover quicker from illness (colds, flus and viruses etc), helps your body to perform at it’s best, promotes good mental health, helps you look better as you grow older and increase your stamina to last longer and be more resillent in stressful times.
As Hippocrates said “let food be thy medicine”

1 comment:

Resonant Brain said...

I had an odd pain in my left ankle, so I started on the traditional MD route - X-rays and pain pills, but didn't want to continue on that path. I decided to try acupuncture, I'm so happy to have gone in this direction. The clinic of Mississauga acupuncturist is very clean and organized.